Hi! My name is Lucy (and yes, I love Soy Lattes!). I started Soy Latte Lucy Virtual Cafe to hopefully assist others who are just like me.
Who am I? I am a mom. A stepmom. A wife. A Disney fanatic. A DIYer. A Celiac Disease Advocate. And I have tons of Tips and Resources for you at Soy Latte Lucy Virtual Cafe.
I am a gluten free vegetarian: I am a lifetime vegetarian by choice because that’s how I grew up and I am gluten free by choice to support my son who has celiac disease and has no choice but to be gluten free. I am a Disney fanatic: I have always loved everything Disney and I was lucky enough to work at Disney World “back in the day” (which for me was in the late 1980s/early1990s). Over the years I have worked for several companies focusing on customer service, management, and corporate training.
As a mom to a child with celiac disease, I have learned how to research safe places to visit. I got my crash course in 2014 when my son was diagnosed at age 11 and I have tons of tips to share. I have also used this journey to become a Celiac Disease Awareness Advocate. I enjoy sharing what I have learned with others. At SoyLatteLucy.com (and @SoyLatteLucy on Twitter) we are building a solid reputation in the special diet industry, specifically with children’s food allergies. Our main focus is on Celiac Disease and how to live day-to-day with it and how to safely travel with it (especially with children).
I started my own DIY (Do-it-Yourself) business to support those that are planning their own children’s Bar or Bat Mitzvahs (or other parties). The DIY Party Planning market is rapidly growing. Not just for Weddings but also for other milestones like Bar and Bat Mitzvahs. We are located in South Florida where people spend on average between $15,000-$150,000 for these special occasions. More and more people are opting to do things themselves because of budget limitations (even the $15,000 is too much for many people!) or just because they have a knack for creating amazing parties. Our DIY Bar/Bat Mitzvahs Facebook group was started with another Mitzvah mom in 2015 and is full of members looking for resources to create the party of their dreams while staying within their budget. SoyLatteLucy.com is designed to help people with ideas and resources for Parties and other aspects of Bar (and Bat) Mitzvahs.
I know I am not alone – I know there are like-minded people out there that can benefit from my tips and reviews. I think you are one of them. Pull up a chair at Soy Latte Lucy Virtual Cafe and join me. Welcome! 🙂